Sunday, July 25, 2004


Tonight at church myself as well as Katie Drake were baptized. It really was an awesome experience. I've been thinking alot this week about the baptism and about my testimony as well. I wanted to be baptized so that I could share with the Satellite community my decision to live my life for Christ and how much greater my life has been since I have made that decision. Normally I'm not all that great at speaking in front of a group of people but I felt that tonight God gave me the calm to be able to share my testimony, although I'm sure I left some things out I meant to say because the nervousness was still there a little. But even then it was so cool to have been given the chance to be baptized tonight. Tim Smith asked me afterwards if I felt good. Yes, I do, but there's more to it than that too, I just can't explain it, it feels really great.


At 7/26/2004 09:05:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I know what you mean about "feeling good." Feeling good is nice, but there is something deeper that is hard to explain, an inner connection between you and God. You might want to dwell on that, enjoy the euphoria for a while...


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