Monday, November 21, 2005

Who needs a voice?

So my voice is leaving me :( It's been progressively leaving me all day. When I was little I used to think that girls who had those deep voices which I thought were kind of sexy were cool and I was jealous. And now that is what I sound like. Although I'm not sure you can really call it sexy...

Thanksgiving is just a few days away! Meaning I get to go home and see my family and hopefully a few friends! Yah! I haven't seen my daddy in a month. That's really strange to think about. If I were to keep that up I'd only see him 12 times in the whole year as opposed to the 365 it was 3 years ago... I was thinking lately how when I moved away to start school I don't think I really realized how big of a change it was going to be. Maybe this is a redundant topic. Sorry. It's just been actually really hitting me lately. I just don't feel like I am at that point where I am old enough and "grown up" enough to reach that point, when in reality I guess I am.


At 11/22/2005 09:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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