PLNU Preview Days
Well obviously I didn't go to PLNU preview days :) But they were the reason that I got the chance to see Corrie and Saydee and a couple of PLNU kids this weekend. We had fun just hanging out after Corrie and Saydee finished with their Point Loma stuff. We showed Saydee around San Diego a bit. Although we couldn't do too much walking because Corrie hurt her foot. Bummer. No worries though. We had fun being dorks as normal. Spinning quarters forever at Starbucks and watching way too much TV. Flicking salt packets back and forth way too many times. Eating too much Mexican food and other yummy food. Walking a little at the beach, driving way too many times between Point Loma and my apartment (a good 20 minute trip at least).
Here's a few pics from this weekend:
Blowing chapstick across the table again and again. Boy I'm sure the people at Starbucks were thrilled we were there!

Contemplation or Constipation??

Saydee, Corrie, me, Chantal after we figured out the timer button.

I Love Starbucks!!

I don't really know. I guess we couldn't resist the 4 for $1 deal on noses at Target!

its a good thing i dont have a target close by because i would so have 4 noses all to myself. hahaha!
hey i have a blog now but i dont know how u can see it its i dont kno how to find you while im on but whatever
oops the last one was from me
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