Sunday, November 27, 2005

It surprisingly only took me 2.5 hours to get home.

I am really enjoying the excuse for a mini vacation thanks to Thanksgiving.
I've spent alot of time with my family which has been really nice. I think I've really been missing them lately but haven't noticed it being caught up in the daily whirlwind of being a college student. I'm enjoying talking to them face to face and just hanging out.
On top of seeing my family I've managed to catch up with a few friends as well. I went to a movie today with Corrie, Saydee, and Saydee's sister Joleene. Tonight I hung out with Emma for a decent amount of time. I have not actually seen her since late August. Probably the longest amount of time apart since we were 5. It's difficult enough working with one college students random schedule to try to make visits and see people, let alone 2 college students I guess. We just hung out at my house for a while talking and ate some yummy home cooked food my mom made. Then went and drank Starbucks while sitting in the kid chairs at Barnes and Noble (the only available seats) before catching the last showing of Rent (which by the way I absolutely loved).
And that's about all for now. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my friend Dana. Really cool to be able to see so many people in such a short time. Cramming as much as I can into 4 days! Not sure I'm quite ready to go back tomorrow, but I guess I don't really have a choice there.
Oh yes and I forgot to order my Starbucks decaf and now I am wide awake and am supposed to get up early tomorrow to run errands with my mom. :/


At 11/28/2005 10:40:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

i love errands with my mom....i always know i can get some really wacky stuff i dont really need but she insists i must have :)


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