Yesterday I called in sick to work. I told them I felt naucious.... that it was probably something I ate the night before. Well I don't like lying, but the reason I did it was so that I could go to a counselor/staff/intern meeting at 2:00, which would have been right in the middle of my shift.
So instead of work I went to Norwalk church in the morning. And then once again became part of the Butcher family to go out to Christi's birthday lunch at a yummy Chinese food place. Straight from there to the meeting, and then a little bit of hanging out after the meeting. Man, that Jason Tippitt is seriously crazy! He has way too much energy and plays way too many practical jokes! But at least I know that camp will be fun! Haha.
Then Corrie and I went to get Starbucks and to go shopping for a little bit. All fun stuff... being our usual dorky selves. Then watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman for a second time. If you haven't seen this movie yet go rent it because it's really good!
Then back home where my mom seemed all resentful that I hadn't been home all day. Even though she knew I wasn't going to be home all day.
This week I'm working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday... all 8 hour closing shifts. Fun. My last day is supposed to be Friday, so I guess they figured they would work me as much as they could until then.
My mom finally hooked up our router so I can write from my computer and upload some pictures! So here's some random ones from the last few days...
Saturday Emma and Dana and I went to see the sneak preview of Must Love Dogs... then hung out for a while after at Dana's apartment.
Emma and Dana

Dana's half face

My apartment. It's the one on the bottom floor. I don't necessarily like that it's the one on the bottom floor, but we didn't exactly have a lot of options!

Cerise on our trip to San Diego a couple of weeks ago... first looking for apartments.

Random bumper sticker. Yes some choices are wrong... like backing that car into a pole from the looks of it.

ha! i love that bumper sticker. and being on the bottom floor isnt bad because then no one can complain about you...cute pictures :)
when there is sin in the camp...
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