Friday, July 15, 2005

August 15

That's our move in date to the apartment! A month from today! Basically we still have to be approved or something like that. We've faxed in all of our applications and then had the leases to sign, which we did and then faxed in. I think they are just doing a background check first (probably more on our co-signer than us).
Anyway not so interesting stuff... but I am excited.
The only piece of furniture I still need to buy is a desk. I have the kitchen table (bought off of Corrie who bought it off of her old room mate Vanessa when they moved out). An old but in very decent shape coffee table. And I bought a bed from an estate sale last weekend for $20!! Ok, I know what you're thinking. Probably a crappy bed. But actually it's really pretty nice. If anything I will at least keep the mattress because it's a good mattress and probably newer than the one I have on my own bed right now! Cerise and Jen have alot of the other furniture type stuff (TV, couch...)
Now I really am rambling... I'm just so excited!

Oh yeah... I almost forgot. I gave my 2 weeks notice a few days ago. It was actually a little over a 2 weeks notice. But my last day is July 29... right before camp.
The first week in August I'm going to camp as an intern... should be fun. Originally it was Corrie talking me into it... but now I really am excited to go!
The week after that right before I move down to SD my family wants to go on vacation. Except we don't know where! Any good suggestions?? There's hundreds of places we could go but we can't really think of anything. Money is a small issue right now so can't be too expensive either... Any ideas?


At 7/15/2005 01:56:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

Cape may! Cape May! Cape May! Oh i mean how about getting a cabin at Lake Gregory or Big Bear?? There are people in the LB church who have one...ask Jill. Or what about driving up the coast and staying somewhere a little north of LA?? good luck!


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