The Smiths.
My friends Tim, Jamie, and their sons Oliver, Noah, and Myles left Saturday evening for the Carolinas, where they're moving. I'm excited for them and the new life that they're going to create. And yet at the same time it's sad to see them leave.
I've been thinking lately about my friendship with the Smith's. How it's changed, progressed, been transformed.
When I was a dorky little sixth grader Jamie invited me to youth group at Long Beach Nazarene, and continued to invite me until I came. At that time Tim was the youth pastor, and more of an authority figure. I think the most important thing to me about that youth group was the people that I had the chance to meet, and get to know... Tim, Jamie, Melissa, Julia, Cassie, Jeff, David, Anna, later Joel. Many of whom I still keep in touch with today.
After Tim and Jamie left the youth group, as I pretty much did not too long after... I didn't really get the chance to see them for quite awhile. After Joel Hyde passed away the only people I really knew to turn to was the Satellite church. I knew that I needed God in my life, and Satellite seemed like the only logical place for me to turn. That was a little over a year and a half ago. And yet in such a short time I have developed so many close friendships. I have become a Christian, grown in my faith and relationship with God. When I decided to take the step to become a Christian I realized from the Satellite, through the churches examples, that there was much more that I didn't know, how to have a relationship with God. When I asked Tim to help me he was more than willing. I feel so blessed to have had him there as a mentor.
I have had the chance to be a small part of the Smith boys lives. They are such great kids. And of course I will miss their never ending hugs... they sure know how to make people feel special!
As I realized that the Satellite church would come to its end I was at first a little sad. And yet now I am excited for the possibilities of the future. To find another church where I can make new friends, continue to learn more about God. It's exciting to me. The possiblility that I can be an example to others, and have others as an example to me. Wherever I go I will be praying about it, because I want it to be where God wants me to be.
The friendships that I have made through the Satellite are the kind that last for a long time. I truly believe that the reason for that is because God is the foundation of our friendships. Until the past year or so I have never really known a friendship that was able to grow so fast, so deep... I can't really figure out the word I'm looking for...
Anyway... this post has a little of everything jumbled up in it.
I feel blessed that God has brought me to the Smith's and allowed me to be a small part of their lives. To have had Tim as a youth pastor and then pastor, mentor and friend. The Satellite has become such a big part of my life. I have no idea where I'd be if Jamie hadn't pushed me to go to youth group over 7 years ago. Isn't that weird that just that one thing can make such a huge difference?
And now the Smith's are on their way and almost "home" in the Carolina's. I'm excited for them. It's a huge step to take and yet they were willing to step out in faith for the sake of their family, and because they know God will take care of them. I will miss seeing them all of the time. I will miss the hugs from the boys. Oliver's crazy imagination. Noah's ability to be so stubborn and yet sweet when he wants to be. And little Myles, just talking and beginning to truly have his own personality.
Congratulations guys... thanks for having such a big impact on my life... I know that we'll still keep in touch... blogs (I heard Jamie might be starting one?), instant message, email (what would we do without the internet?)

sorry Anna!! Complete accident I promise! I fixed it :)
It is exciting to know these things... You have shared some of them in the past, but what a blessing to hear (read) and know. Throughout ones life in ministry it is difficult to "know" what effect (if any) your life has had for the good. Often times you have to just leave it and pray that you have had an impact that is lasting and good. It is the rare occasion to be able to hear first hand and so young in ones life the effects they have had. Thank you so very much for sharing. Although this is where we are suppose to be, and things are good, it doesn't make it any easier leaving the ones you have known your whole life and friends that are so close so far behind. Thank you thank you...
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