Friday, March 04, 2005

Homesick Day

I haven't really had one of those yet this semester, until today. Maybe because it was a busy day, or maybe because it was Friday and I'm not going to see anyone from back home this weekend. Or maybe because I had time at work to just stand there and think about things. Or the fact that I wasn't able to check my email all day because apparently there was some violation on aol that I just got fixed, and I knew my mom had sent me an email, and Corrie had sent me something too. Maybe because my room mate is gone all weekend and I am alone in my room again. Or possibly because I am stressing a little about this whole getting a new job idea and I just want to go back to an easier time where I didn't have to think about money so much. Or the text from a friend that she wishes I was around. That time of month could be it too. That I talked to my mom and she really misses me too I can tell.
Most likely a combination of all of these things.
Either way, I miss you guys and I love you all.


At 3/05/2005 04:24:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

love u and miss u too.


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