Sunday, January 23, 2005

Whew! Made it.

I'm back in the SD. Actually I've been down here since early Friday, but I'm finally all moved in and settling back down. My mom and sister just left. My dad couldn't come because he's been working 10 hour days for the past 3 or 4 weeks without any days off. Lots of money, but no fun at all. That's what the rain does to telephone workers.
Over the last 3 days I've worked, worked some more, ate at Macaroni Grill and Chili's, shopped alot, got 2 new pairs of Diesel shoes from Nordstrom Rack, bought my text books and really expensive parking pass, moved everything back in, got a really stupid $45 parking ticket, and said goodbye to my mom and little sister.
Oh, I'm finally not a minimum wage worker anymore! For the first time in my life, haha. An entire 20 cent raise since I've been there for a semester now, that's fun. Well I think I'm going to go catch up with some friends and then walk around campus and find my classes so I'm not totally lost tomorrow!
I'm sure now that I'm back in San Diego I'll be updating my blog more frequently since I'll actually have things to write about. As well as the fact that it's a really good form of procrastination! Toodles.


At 1/24/2005 01:11:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I have one word for that post:


What up with that!!!!!!


At 1/24/2005 01:39:00 PM, Blogger thebensonator said...

Yes. Toodles. As in goodbye.
I think I'm going to decide to blame this one on Emma. She says it to me all the time, so I must have talked to her sometime right before this post.
Why? Do you have a problem with Toodles??!?!


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