Wednesday, January 05, 2005

In Limbo

I think that I am becoming too comfortable being back at home. Don't get me wrong, I love being home, not having to worry about doing everything for myself because the parents help out. Seeing friends, getting to spend time with my family. But I am beginning to feel that 5 weeks is too long. I am settling back in. It's not a vacation to me anymore, it's living here again, if that makes any sense.
I'm just afraid that when I go back to school it will take a bit of time to adjust... all over again. I am starting to miss San Diego too. Some of the people and the relationships with friends that I have down there that are still forming.
Of course next week and the week after I will be working, I just don't know when yet, back at the bookstore. Maybe that will cure some of the itch to go back, live on my own again. Albeit a dorm gives you that false sense of being "on your own", I still miss it.
Home can be a strange thing. I believe it's the place you feel most comfortable, where you can walk inside and just completely relax and feel like you belong. Half of a dorm room is obviously not a home, but it was getting there for me. And the house that I am sitting in right now does not feel as much like that place anymore today, and I don't think it ever fully will again.
Here's where it becomes exciting to think about what the future holds, when I finally settle down and create my OWN home. I think only then will I truly feel settled.
But for now I am, and shall remain, in Limbo.


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