Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Phew... almost there!

Almost done with finals! I'm going to study for my last one right after I finish this post!
These were my first college finals of my life, and my reaction was pretty much that they, well, suck. I'm completely exhausted right now but I have to just hang in there for one more day. There just really haven't been enough hours in the day to study. Next semester I need to plan this out better. Oh well, live and learn. I'm over it for now. The only good final was my philosophy 110 final. In fact I really enjoyed that class in general. It was basically a critical thinking class. Mainly we learned about the types of arguments and how to spot invalid arguments and fallacies. What's so cool about it is that I really am a much more "critical thinker" now. It sounds odd to say, but that was one of the things I felt that college was supposed to teach you! When I'm reading a newspaper or listening to speeches in my classes I can actually spot bad arguments now, it's fun.
Next semester I have to take philosophy 101 which is more of what you would think a philosophy class is I believe.
Anyway, tangent. (Mmm, I'm eating home made Christmas cookies right now! My managers so cute, she gave all of the supervisors little bags of home made cookies and a little Starbucks card! Woohoo! The first Christmas treats of the season for me!)
I'm so excited! Tomorrow Emma's mom is going to drive her down to San Diego and she's going to stay with me Thursday and Friday night! Woohoo! She hasn't made it down to SD yet since she doesn't have a car. And I have to stay an extra day because of work on Friday. So we're going to go Christmas shopping (a little late, hey we couldn't help it, we're busy college students), and then I'm going to show her how cool San Diego is! Technically I have to be out of the dorms by 4:00 on Friday, so my mom was extremely cool and offered to pay for us to rent a hotel room Friday night! Woohoo! So we'll leave Saturday afternoonish to go home! It's funny because I would think I'd be so eager to go home but I'm really not. I finally feel like I belong here and am settling down. I almost wish I had a few more weeks to stay, just without the finals stress. Oh well, I know I'll enjoy being home anyway though. I got my first paycheck since working buyback today. It was sweet! I was excited. Anyway, have a great rest of the week all!! I'll be seeing some of you soon!
(Did I say Woohoo! enough times in this post?)


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