Saturday, January 01, 2005

What I Have Been Up To...

A lot of random things... Lets see...
I have seen many many movies over the past week or so: Van Helsing, Garden State, Wicker Park, Wimbledon, Spanglish, Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... there's more but I can't remember. I think that is way too many.
My mom had all of last week off so I've been staying home alot to try and make her happy. But after our last argument I decided she is never going to be fully happy, and there is a point where I have to stop letting her run my life. I mean yes, some would say she is paying for my schooling and I am at home right now (although living on campus during school), but that doesn't mean that I have to try and please her all of the time and not hang out with friends that I want to see.
That leads to Thursday, I helped Corrie pack from the time she got home until 2:30 AM. If you read her blog I'm sure she'll write all about that sometime soon. I stayed with her until Saturday morning to continue to help pack and unpack her things in the new apartment. Whew, that was a lot of work. We also helped our friend Jeff move out on Thursday as well.
Friday night I went to the New York New Year's Eve at the Smith's new Condo. That was a lot of fun and their new place is so nice and cute! So exciting, they are blessed.
After continuing their until the real New Year's Eve at 12:00 Corrie, Katie, and I went back to Corrie's new place to find her room mate's brother sleeping on the couch (long story). So instead we went to Katie's house and watched a movie and had fun, finally making it to bed around 3:30 in the morning!
So I had an unplanned nap earlier today because I was so tired. Tonight I was going to go out with my friend Dana who is home right now from school as well, but instead we are going to do something tomorrow afternoon since we are both kind of tired and I wanted to spend a night at home. My mother of course again is upset that I will not be home tomorrow since I am going to church at night as well. But I have decided to not let her continue to run my life so when I want to do things I will and I'm over feeling guilty about not spending enough time with her.
Whew! I think that's it! I hope everyone's having a happy New Years!


At 1/03/2005 09:22:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

man...i miss going to the movies! sounds like you are having a great time...just remember parents LOVE YOU!!


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