My room mate
When you go to a school where you don't know anyone and choose to live in the dorms with a room mate you just kind of have to HOPE that the two of you are going to be at least semi compatible.
In my case I would say that I definitely got lucky. Sophia and I get along really well. It was kind of funny because I wouldn't say that we clicked right away, but over the past few weeks we've become much closer. We started doing random things that I think all room mates should do together like driving to Knott's Scary Farm, seeing midnight showings of movies, helping each other procrastinate, alot. Sharing our parental frustrations and friend issues.
It's pretty awesome. If we weren't both pretty laid back I'm sure there would be many more issues. But she doesn't mind that I NEVER make my bed and often have things strewn all over the floor. And I don't mind that she has the same floor problem and lost our remote. Well actually maybe I am still bitter about the remote, hehe, just kidding, It's more fun to have to stand on the chair and reach up to turn the TV on and change channels!
Anyway I love it! It makes this whole transition thing to college, and yes sometimes it Still feels like I am making the transition, so much easier.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention one thing, Sophia is albino.

Just kidding.
yeah, she knows :)
very funny...
laura is the best roomie ever!!
and i still feel bad about the remote, i'll buy the next one (when i get money). even though technically it's not MY fault, justin was the one who lost it.
and yay for face masks and shaving cream!
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