Monday, August 02, 2004

another beautiful summer day

Emma and I were going to spend the day together, but instead she ended up having to babysit her little 2 year old nephew for most of the day. That was ok though, so we just went to dinner down at the Pike. We thought there'd be more to do there but all there are are places to eat. Lots and lots of places to eat. So we played at Gameworks for a while but it wasn't very fun because all of the stuff was too hard so instead we each wasted about $6. We decided to go to 2nd street instead and look in all the shops, seeing lots of things we wanted to buy but didn't have money for. It was fun anyways though... it seems like Emma and I have been so busy with different things lately that we haven't been able to hang out in like 2 weeks, which is a long time when we're used to seeing each other every day. I guess it is preparation for college when we'll be 3 hours apart, her at UCLA, me at SDSU. Fun times though.
Earlier Emily and I went to the beach, I've started losing my NJ tan since I haven't layed out in like a week! Tomorrow I think I'm going to go to Disneyland with Emily. My mom said she'd pay for everything if we wanted to go, so of course I said YES. Although we just had a nice argument, more like a storming around fest, so we'll see if she's still willing to pay, I think for Emily's sake she will. So that's life for now, I still haven't sent job applications for the bookstore to SDSU, I think it might be too late, meaning a fast food job for me next year! We'll see.
By the way I'm writing this on my new ibook! I'm not gonna get a .mac account I guess since I already have this aol account, poop. So that means no iblog i don't think, but oh well. It's a pretty awesome computer though! I love it so far. Tim was showing me alot about the macs last night, it's so easy and great!


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