Update Anyone?
Lets see. Last Thursday I was supposed to go to the Price is Right. But long story really short the lady in charge of organizing our group told us the wrong time to be there more than once. Because of this we were 15 minutes too late and lost our spot. Pretty sad.
Last Friday I worked at my church's Harvest Carnival. I was a ceiling "fan". I made a shirt that said "Go Ceilings!" and "Ceilings are #1!" and carried around a pom pom and painted my face and arms. Make sense? Most people didn't get it, but when they DID figure it out, or I told them, they enjoyed it :) Amy was gum stuck on the bottom of a shoe. I was in charge of the the thing where you are bungeed in and try to run as far as you can to put your velcroed marker thing in the middle and then get yanked back. I'm pretty sure I was in charge of the best one, not gonna lie :) That was a ton of fun.
Afterwards our Club 56ers had a sleepover. Amy and I were with the girls at the children's pastors house. Of course the kids pastor went to bed at midnight so we were in charge. I don't know if anyone remembers that age, but it is definitely the "lets see if we can stay up all night" age. Which was fine with us, we weren't going to stop it. Out of 10 girls 2 managed to stay awake all night. Amy and I lasted until about 4:45 in the morning and then basically passed out.
Saturday night after working at the football game I went to a costume party. Cerise and I were both care bears :)
Tuesday night, actual Halloween night, was Taco Tuesday, so we did that one. And then Amy and I watched "The Others" back at my apartment. Have to do something semi scary on Halloween!
I tried to make this week a catch up week. I'm really not doing too hot this semester because I don't have nearly enough time to study or read as I need to. I had 2 tests and a paper due last week. Both of the tests were for business classes and I got D's in them, although one ended up being a C curved. The paper was nice though. After my Ethics professor finished telling everyone how poorly the class did, how this paper was much worse than the last one, how only 4 people did better than the last one, and a bunch of other negative things, I got mine back and I received a 95%! Woohoo! So maybe now is the time to switch my major? Failing pre-business courses and doing really well in 500 level philosophy courses? hmm...
Anyway, my family is coming to visit on Sunday. My mom keeps sounding like she really misses me and wants to see me, but I seriously don't have time to take a weekend off and drive home. So I told them they could visit for a day.
Lets see.. any more randomness? Well yes, but I've already written so much! So we'll save it for another post... Here's a picture of our Club 56 group! I love these guys!

looks like fun! all except for the school stuff.
it sounds really easy, I mean honestly what is going to be more fun, business or philosophy? My vote: Philosophy! But one must decided what they can make a living at doing too, um, that would be Business. Oh well your bumbed...
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