I Like Cheese
Something the 5th and 6th graders say often in random moments is "I like cheese". I totally remembered that it was a joke from somewhere or scene from a movie or something. But I couldn't remember where I had heard it, and didn't want to sound lame by asking.
Well the other night I watched "She's the Man" with Corrie and a few friends and there it was! An entire scene of a conversation about cheese to teach a guy how to talk to girls. If you haven't seen the movie yet 1. this probably wouldn't make that much sense, and 2. you need to go see it because Amanda Bynes is hilarious.
Anyway... so now I am cool again. It is weird to feel "old" and behind on the times when you're only 20/21ish.

there is also a joke about EMMA and cheese from David Mac in the DR WHO saga over at the LBF Old School days... on the you tube... she must of had a lot of cheese...
The Smith's
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