Oh My Goodness!
Soo much has been going on lately! My birthday in Vegas was absolutely amazing! I had a ton of fun dancing around at this club called Pure, and walking the strip at night and gambling all of $10. (I gave myself a nice low limit). And the friends that came made it all the better! Thanks so much guys it was awesome!
Onto sadder news...
My car died again. It decided it only wanted to start part of the time. I took it in and the guy checked a few other things while he was checking the starter since it still has a stalling problem. Since my brake light has been on for like almost a year he checked the breaks and figured out that if I didn't get them fixed pretty soon I would basically be driving a car without any brakes, not really a good thing. Anyway after his $2000 estimate on all of the damage I had him talk to my dad to see what for sure needed to be fixed and we got it down to $1000... my starter was crap so a new starter, and extensive brake repairs (not something you can really put off). Ugh!! This car is soo not worth how much we've been putting into it!
The semi cool part, if any, is that I get to drive a rental car for a couple of days (for free) while it's in the shop. So I'm driving a 2006 Toyota Matrix. Although this wouldn't be a car I would normally choose to drive, it's rather nice. I mean it starts when I want it to. Doesn't stall half the time. Actually accelerates at a decent pace. The AC works. Automatic locks and windows. I know, my standards aren't really too high, but it is nice for a change.

Moving on to a bit of more exciting news...
I officially turned in my London application! Woohoo! It's all set. Basically I just need my passport to come in, and I need to pay about $9,000 by the middle of next month and I'm all set to go! Aren't student loans great? Until later on when they have to be paid off...
Work is normal. I really think I need to get out of this job though, it's starting to wear on my nerves. 2 years and 2 months of a college job is basically too much. I am definitely not nearly as happy of a customer service person as I used to be. I really enjoy the people I work with, it's more the customer side of things that is starting to jade me. If I wasn't leaving for London in 11 weeks and 4 days I would probably be looking for another job right now.
So I think that's about it... oh yeah! Except... what should I be for Halloween?? I'm helping to work at the Harvest Carnival at my church which I'm pretty sure is like booths set up for games and candy and fun randomness like that. But I need a costume for it!!
Vegas pictures...
Me and Amy sporting the LV (Las Vegas for the slow ones)

We stayed at Excalibur

My gorilla friend at Rainforest Cafe

How did I manage to get THOSE beads ;)

Me and Corrie... aren't we cute?

hmmmm how did you get those beads?? im glad you guys had a good time. sorry about your car!
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