Tuesday, August 10, 2004


I got the job for the SDSU bookstore! I was proud of myself actually because the interview went pretty well, which definitely helped. And the past job experience working at Subway was a big deal too. Kind of funny because I hated that job, but it was good for something, because i know how to deal with money and work a cash register. Also the fact that I am available ALOT, I pretty much put down availability for anytime that I wasn't in classes, which means after 3 or 4 PM everyday and all day Saturdays. Anyway I was excited when the lady that interviewed me said "Well, the job is yours" and then I went to take my picture for a badge!
I don't know how much I'll be working before school, I do know that I have training on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, but besides that I could be working every day or only a few days before school, I don't really know yet.


At 8/10/2004 09:47:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so awesome!!! Good luck!!

At 8/11/2004 10:42:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

how cool is that... I mean you don't have to leave campus.. you will be meeting a ton of people at school... You can be like THE socialite... won't that just be swell... That is really awesome... Lets hope your class schedule and home work don't suffer... but hey you will have a job... and that is great...


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