Monday, August 09, 2004


Spent alot of time with my family this weekend because they are getting really clingy, mainly my mom. I know this is not just my observation anymore too, others are now noticing as well. It stinks because there's no way to make her happy anymore even if I do spend alot of time at home. She'll get upset or just kind of agitated I guess if I ask to go out or do anything. It makes me kind of sad because I really don't know what to do about it, I guess just deal with it. I spent all of Friday night with them, went out to dinner then spent the night at home. Saturday i went shopping all day with my mom, then went jogging with Corrie later at night, but still i had spent all day with her. Then today comes around and I spent the morning with the family but I want to spend time with others too. Corrie came over and we washed cars and hung out a little before church. Then my mom wanted me to come home for dinner after church, I don't think she realizes how much I enjoy staying afterwards at church, it is a great chance to really talk to people and fellowship and get to know about others lives and to have fun too. But tonight I came home for dinner, every Sunday is the same argument, but for some reason Sunday dinners are important to her, even though I am home many other nights for dinner.
It's just getting extremely hard to be sympathetic to her anymore, I can't even enjoy the times we are together because she's already upset about the next time I have planned to do something. As I was realizing today I only have 3 weeks left before i go to school and move out. It just sucks that those 3 weeks are going to be her mad at me the whole time becasue of how much I'm not home according to her.
I don't think she realizes that this is not exactly easy for me either. Yes i am excited to move away and eager, but I too am giong to be missing people, both family and friends, and I want to spend as much time with everyone as I possibly can before I go. It's not like I'm going to be gone forever, but I'm not coming home every weekend either as I think my mom wants me to.
When I had first decided that I was ready to move away from home and needed to move away from home, I don't think I could have predicted that things were going to get this way. I don't think they have to be this way either, but they are.
I love my mom and family so much and yet right now no one seems to be showing their love towards each other.

(I contemplated actually publishing this for a while, it's very open and puts me in a vulnerable position. But then I remembered something Tim said in a comment, that this blog is for me, it's nice if others read it too, but ultimately it's for me.
This started as a way to vent because I was frustrated, but what I realize right now as I am actually crying is that what I really need to do is ask for prayer. So please pray for me and my family, I know it's a difficult time and I am not putting all of the blame on my mother because I don't always help the situations. But pray that both parties can realize a little more that we really do love each other, even though this is a difficult time for all.)


At 8/09/2004 12:09:00 PM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

Father it is so difficult growing up. Or being already grown up and not having people notice. Father, being a parent myself I can only begin to imagine what it is like to have raised a child and then to have to let them go "into the world." Father I pray for Lauras family, particularly mom, that a peace and understanding will be granted to her. This can not be easy... It is obvious that this is NOT easy, but Father you offer a peace that is beyond us, and I ask that you work that peace into Lauras Mom's life.

Father I also pray for Laura. It is a tough place to asert who you are. Begin to protect her from all the things that she will run into as she departs for a life "on her own." Father you have given her wisdom, and values, and instructed her, now give her strength to continue to live in the Light that you have shown her. Father give her wisdom with her parents, with her mom. Gently guide her as she aserts herself, but ultimately Father you call us to "Obey our Mother and Father." In the strugle to become adults Father help Laura make the choices that she will both be able to obey and 'be.'

Father be with them both. Your forgiveness is big, allow Laura and her mom to both have forgiving hearts and attitueds and that his time not define the rest of their lives as it has for so many. Father give them peace... Show them your love... Work thought them in love...


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