Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Flu

Yesterday was my first day of classes. Yesterday I woke up with the flu. Good timing right? Being the first day of classes though I had to go, or risk being dropped from the class. So I went and somehow made it through. The worst part about the flu is the aching body. My clothes hurt my skin, and when there was a breeze it actually hurt as well. And then of course the headache and constant fever that hasn't seemed to break yet and makes me either freezing cold or burning hot. The sore throat that hurts when I try to swallow anything. I called out sick to work and then came home around noon and pretty much haven't gotten out of bed since. Today I managed to stay awake through an entire movie, which is the longest awake streak so far.

Luckily today I didn't have class. Tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to function. I have 3 classes and then I'm SUPPOSED to work for 8 hours. We'll see how that goes!

Time for sleep again.


At 1/24/2008 09:07:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

hope you feel better soon!


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