Saturday, February 03, 2007

Busy Busy Busy!

It has been a fun and very busy start to the weekend. Yesterday we had a day trip to Stonehenge and Salisbury. Stonehenge was neat to see since it is one of those landmarks you see everywhere. Sadly we couldn't actually go up to the stones, although they do allow it during summer and winter solstice. Salisbury was a neat little town. I had my first official English tea and it was AMAZING. I don't even like tea usually and it tasted soo good!

Today a few of us had booked a trip to go to Cardiff, Wales (our first trip since getting to London that was out of England). We left by train at 7:45 this morning and got back to London at about 10:45 tonight. Long day but very enjoyable. We went to a HUGE castle... the first castle I have ever seen and been inside. That was really cool. We also went to the rugby stadium (Cardiff is HUGE on rugby), to a Natural History museum, an Opera House, and the coast.

I'm not sure quite what I was expecting of Wales, but what we saw wasn't really it. It is a neat little city, but I guess when I thought of "castle" I was picturing a big open green area of land with a castle in the middle of it all. But not so. It was still neat to walk around in though. One cool thing was that every single sign was in both English and Welsh.

Tomorrow the plan is to do some shopping at a store we discovered that has clothes and accessories all for around 5 pounds. Then some of us are going to go play football at Hyde Park. Hopefully at some point I'm going to take my computer into the apple store to see what is up with my internet not working. And then finally we're going to a local pub that should be playing the super bowl! Yes... there are a few around here who do. That should be fun and random!


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