Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Kind of Scary

There has been a lot of random crime incidents on campus lately. One rape about 2 weeks ago. Since then a few assaults. Someone holding a student at gunpoint to rob her. Today a car hijacking. Oh yes and one of the apartment right off of campus was broken into and robbed while the people were there.
This isn't normal for SDSU. I was watching the news today and there were reporters interviewing students and the campus police. The officer said in the over 15 years he's worked at SDSU he has never seen so many campus crimes in such a short amount of time. Plus just the fact that the crimes made the news means it is a decently big deal.
There are crime alert bulletins posted around campus. And the other day all students got an email telling them of extra precautions they should be taking.
Normally I'm the kind of person who is like "la dee da" and probably isn't always the safest. I walk to my car alone in the dark at least once a week after work through somewhat deserted areas. But I'll admit right now I'm a little bit nervous to do things like that, so I walked with a coworker instead.
There's a lot of things that could explain the increase in crime. One main one being the trolley that's right on campus. There is a lot more "access" to school.
College age girls especially seem to be an easy target which is a little nerve wrecking when things hit so close to home. Anyway, for now being a little extra cautious. Pray for the safety of the students on campus and that some of these suspects are caught to ease the fears of the students.


At 10/20/2005 08:34:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i am glad to hear you are listening and not walking alone at night. BE CAREFUL!!

At 10/20/2005 03:05:00 PM, Blogger thebensonator said...

yeah yeah corrie :P


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