Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy Independence Day

So I'm sure everyone has their own July 4th stories that I will be reading about soon. Mine is about the same as it has been for the past 8 or 9 years... except for the 2 morning movies. Yes we are a movie family and have seen many, so this morning we went to see The Terminal and The Notebook, I think I liked The Notebook the best, good movie.
Then we came home for some bbq hotdogs and then went off to Vet Stadium over at Long Beach City College where we met up with the Yearick clan... all cousins and aunts and uncles and all and watched the show which consists of the same thing every year:
band and dancing and singing
tshirt give away/toss
police dogs eating padded fake criminals
raffle for bikes
Anyway fun time, but again the same thing every year, I will have to try and do something else next year if I can pull that one off.


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