Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm just too cool for the "4 Year Plan" I guess!

Ok guys. So most of us know that I want to change my major. Why? Because the Liberal Studies major just doesn't interest me enough. Not sure I want to be a teacher. I want to go deeper into something rather than touch the surface of a lot of things... and there's a few more...

SO instead of doing homework for the past couple of hours like I should have I've been looking into random majors.
I think it might be all this talk with Corrie about college that made me remember I have a lot to figure out myself!
Well what did I figure out?? Right now I'm looking at Management. This may seem kind of random because I haven't mentioned this thought to too many people. I had kind of been thinking about doing something in business lately. There's a couple other random things lurking in the back of my mind. For right now though I'm going to let this idea of majoring in Management float around in my brain for awhile.
Here's what the major says (in my paraphrase) that kind of drew me in:
- organizational skills
- set objectives, plan, make decisions
- solve problems (This is a big one, I think this is something I'm pretty good at)
- oh yes and it doesn't say this but there is the implication of working with people. And I already know that I enjoy working with people.
Anyway there's alot more too but I won't bore you.
There really is TONS that you can do with this major. There are soo many business positions out there and soo many jobs that have management positions.
I figured out how many units I'd have to take and how far it would set me behind. It's really not that bad. It would set me back one semester. 3 more years starting this coming up semester. And that only happens because I still have the Philosophy minor. Of course I still want to study abroad first semester next year too. Which could put me back another semester. Which puts me at the 5 year plan. Assuming no other complications of course, which who knows. Another thing I've been looking over and stressing about! But I'll save that for another day!

Basically by the time next semester starts I plan on having a different major. This may be the last random post about what majors look good to me, or it could just be the beginning. I guess we'll just find out later!
I could definitely use some prayer in my decision making. It's definitely adding a fair amount of extra stress to my life.


At 10/05/2005 09:59:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

you are funny. the major dilema really is what are you going to wear tomorrow?

At 10/05/2005 03:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

two words for you and the other COLLEGE BOUND people:

Junior College


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