Thursday, May 26, 2005

Maybe... almost?

The past couple of days have been going out, getting applications to a bunch of random places and then turning them in. It seems to be a little bit difficult to find jobs just for the summer, or jobs that are hiring right now. Anyway the only job that appears to be a definite possibility is at Petsmart as either a cashier or a groomer. Today Sophia and I went in and watched a little video and interviewed and then turned in longer applications. For both of us I think the interview went well. The manager was fine with it just being a summer job (which is a big deal). Then we were asked to go take drug tests (I don't think the manager would have asked us to take this step unless we were being considered for the job, right?) Well at least that was the way it seemed. So after Sophia and I went back to Petsmart and turned in the drug test paper the manager said they would call us. Well I always hate that "we'll call you" answer. I'll know more in a few days! If they don't call back, I'll call them to see if the job is still open or not, we'll see.
Until then I'm going to call to set up an interview for a "sales associate/photographer within Disneyland". I emailed a resume and already filled out an application and got a call today for that job. Oh yes, and still going to turn in an In-N-Out application if nothing else works. Honestly, I don't really care all that much where I work for the summer, I just need a little bit of money coming in to pay for gas and car and going out and stuff. Anyway, hopefully by next week I'll be employed SOMEWHERE!


At 5/27/2005 07:45:00 AM, Blogger melissamae said...

hopefully you get something fun! petsmart would be interesting for DOG watching and Disneyland would be good for PEOPLE watching... both would be interesting.


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