Saturday, May 21, 2005


I got this email from Corrie the other day. Apparently she has my summer planned out for me. I thought I'd share because it was pretty funny.

When you read this, you will already be home & probably wallowing & being sad cause you miss your new school friends. Well, snap out of it & cheer up! I have put together a list of things that we get to do together besides all the other stuff you will be doing with your family, Emma & any other friends you have (of course none of them as fun as me)

- Movies! Yah for free movie tickets & movie cards!
- Youth Events that you can join me in… possibly Ice Skating, Broomball, Bowling… who knows what…
- Camp!!! Woohoo… It is going to be soooooo stinking fun!
- Beach trips
- Jogging at the beach
- Bike Riding at the beach
- Did I tell you that we will be going to the beach????
- Trips to Cold Stone
- Trips to Starbucks
- Maybe Disneyland or DCA somewhere in there. I can have a girl at church possibly sign us in
- Breakfasts at Gourmet Pie
- Meeting Jason Lee. teehee (may not be a great experience, but who knows)
- Mission Trip to Mexico
- Swimming at Teddy’s before she moves

So you get the point? We are going to be so busy & having so much fun! I just hope we don’t get sick of each other. Teehee, this is really cracking me up! I guess cause we are 2 young, hot single girls, we have lots of time on our hands to be with friends! Of course, I will understand if you don’t want to do any of that at all, but I will be very sad. L I may have to go find me a boyfriend to take up my lonely time. Teehee. Love you! Congratulations on your first year of college being complete!


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