Tuesday, June 22, 2004

nothing much

Well summer's basically just starting for me which means life has slowed way down! So I don't have too much to write about... Let's see I took my little sister to see shrek 2 today, that was a funny movie, but I wouldn't say as funny as everyone made it out to be. I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I was going to start eating healthy and exercising... haha. Well that didn't happen then, but it is happening now! I was partly inspired by Tim and Jamie Smith and their Body for Life success... and it helps to have someone helping me(corrie):) I started eating better yesterday, mainly cutting out junk food and not eating as much and not snacking all the time. So day 2 is ok of that, we'll see how it goes. Oh yes and I actually exercised on my own yesterday, not something I do too often, and then I have an indoor soccer game tonight which is A LOT of exercise... so that's good. Anyway tomorrow I'm going to hang out with my friend Dana during the day who I haven't seen in like a year. We were really good friends in middle school but then went to different high schools... kind of a bummer but whenever we get together we have a blast... so I'm looking forward to that! Anyway I figured even if I didn't really have anything to say I should keep blogging... so everyone gets to read about the randomness of my life right now. :)


At 6/23/2004 10:56:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I do have to say you links are very good... good learning.. and then I have to say I FEEL GREAT!! So like if you feel sluggish and all it is time to get up off your butt and do something....


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