Monday, February 25, 2008

One of My Favorite Things

I love when I am at church and am suddenly surrounded by 4 or 5 6th grade girls who want to tell me all about well... everything. School, boys, siblings, sports, friends or lack there of. I love that they feel comfortable enough to tell me about problems they are having at school and in life. Whether it be that they just changed schools and have no friends and are made fun of by other kids at school. Or about the boy who asked them to be his girlfriend and then "broke up" with her 2 days later and asked her friend out instead (oh middle school romance). Or about the soon to be step mom that they aren't sure about having take the place of a mother who passed away to cancer a few years ago.
I just enjoy being a person that they feel they can share stuff with. And that they WANT to share things with.
The fact that most of them are almost my height (1 very much taller) also makes it secretly kind of funny to me when I am part of their "circle".
What cool kids.


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