Saturday, January 20, 2007

Whoa! The Sun is Out!

On Thursday it was so windy I literally almost blew away. At one point while I was walking it knocked me to the side and I almost fell. I saw a van tipped over, and heard 2 windows break. Later I heard that some people actually died from the winds, but I'm not sure how. It has been fairly mild weather besides that so far though. Right now is the coldest it's been. 28 degrees Fahrenheit. It supposedly might snow within the next couple of days. That would be AMAZING! I'm so excited!
The Football Match was so much fun. The fans were going crazy! Singing tons of songs (which we couldn't understand most of them) and jumping up and down when a goal was scored. We were rooting for the home team Fullam, and they won 4-3. High scoring game meant wild fans!
Yesterday a few of us went to the Tate Modern Art Museum. It was fun, but I want to go back since we didn't really spend that much time there. Then we went out dancing at night. That was a ton of fun! I was dancing with a bunch of different British, Argentinian and Australian people. Good times.
This morning we went to see the Changing of The Guard in front of Buckingham Palace. It wasn't all that exciting, but it's cool to say we went to see it. Oh but the band started playing disco music at one point. That was pretty funny.
And now I am doing laundry. We have one washer and dryer in our entire building. It costs 3 pounds for a small load to wash, and 1 pound to dry. So I am handwashing. Not too fun, but whatcha gonna do? :(

Oh by the way. I uploaded all of the pictures I have so far. Well that's a bit of a lie. I have more I need to put from my camera to my computer. But there are officially London pictures up now!


At 1/20/2007 11:33:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

your funny... keep writing... I am enjoying the adventures of Laura in London... And did you start school yet? are you even going to school or just partying?

At 1/20/2007 11:56:00 PM, Blogger melissamae said...

thanks for the updates i have tried to comment a few times and it wouldnt work. glad to hear you are enjoying the winds or something like that!


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