April is...
Child Abuse Prevention Month.
This is taken from http://www.co.pierce.wi.us/Human%20Services/Child%20Abuse/Child_Abuse_Prevention.html
What is Child Abuse Prevention Month?
Child Abuse Prevention Month is a Presidentially declared observance that is celebrated every year in April. It focuses on the importance of providing children with a safe and nurturing environment in which they can grow to their full potential as responsible adults and members of society.
What is the purpose of this observance?
Child Abuse Prevention Month aims to encourage everyone to play an active role in identifying and preventing all forms of child abuse.
The symbol is a blue ribbon. Wear one! Here's why it's blue http://preventchildabuse.com/blue.htm
why so interested in Child Abuse?
is this something from a class? hey you never responded about the penguin!! i need more details!
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