Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Such a Joke

I was supposed to have my philosophy final today. But my professor didn't show up until 30 minutes into class.
Now if this had been the first time she was late then maybe I wouldn't have been so frustrated. But it wasn't. She has missed multiple classes from just not showing up. Shows up late almost every day to class. And for our midterm she didn't show up until 20 minutes before the class was over. At least that time she had someone from the department come in to tell us what to do for the midterm.
Ok, so today she should have tried a little harder though! It was the final day! For the final we were supposed to write an essay. Well there wasn't enough time to write this essay that was going to be pretty long by the time she finally showed up. The professor said we could stay after class, or come back later if we needed the time. Well that would be nice if I didn't have another class and then work right after that.
Ugh! By this point I, along with I'm sure many of my classmates, was extremely frustrated. I had studied and was ready for this test. But basically didn't have enough time to write it. So she told us that if we didn't have enough time then we could do the essay as a take home test. Except we would be graded harder, it has to be 2-3 pages typed, and we had to use citations.
Well I guess I had no choice! So between tonight and tomorrow I have 2 essays to write.
It just makes me mad because I would have rather just written the essay in class. I was ready to do it. We are basically getting punished for her flakiness. I wouldn't be so upset if this was a one time thing... but the entire class has just been a joke because of her.
Tenure sucks.
So frustrated!


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