Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Psychic

Last Saturday night I went to a friends 18th birthday party where her parents went all out with caterers and a chocolate fountain (yum!) and even hired a psychic. I don't believe in psychics, however many of my friends seemed to. The whole thing seemed like a hoax to me, but i couldn't believe how much it affected my friends! This led to an interesting conversation with my friends wesley and kari. As Christians is it wrong for us to seek answers from someone other than God? Such as a psychic? We decided that even though we didn't believe in the psychic it would be wrong to go and talk to her, in the truth that we could be tricked, becuase that is what psychics do, trick people. Also as Christians we needed to be examples to those around us... if we were to go to the psychic with questions, others may have questioned the truth of our faith. All in all it was a very interesting conversation, and neat to talk to these two people about our faiths, we are all in different stages in our journey with God, and explain to others the reason we chose not to talk to the psychic. What do you think? Would it have been ok to talk with her because we didn't believe in her "supernatural powers"? or was our decision the right one?


At 5/13/2004 09:29:00 AM, Blogger OutOfTheSilent said...

I think it all depends on what you would talk to her about. Yes her powers are either false, or from a false power, either way, one does not want to be lead astray, or dable in witch craft. Even if it is for "fun" some things are not worth getting into. Cool that you saw it as an opportunity to be a witness to those aroudnd you. Of course, some people will scoff, but don't worry about them, Our eyes are not to be on the scoffers...


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